15 Key features of Uber clone app to skyrocket your taxi business!


Uber’s business strategy is groundbreaking in the on-demand service industry. Thus, would-be on-demand business owners desire this type of enterprise structure.

That’s why there’s an alternative app that acts like Uber. Businesses may tailor an Uber clone to their specific requirements and brand it as their own with this turnkey solution.

You will be responsible for maintaining the on-demand marketplace that brings together those in need and those willing to give a service through an Uber clone app.

On-demand taxi service needs engaging features for 3 reasons.

There are three main reasons why your on-demand taxi service will require a similar app to Uber’s;

  1. The Uber clone app must include functionality to make it appealing to users.
  2. The admin tools and functionalities will aid in managing the on-demand business.
  3. Being the first to offer unique solutions can set you apart from the competition and make you a market leader.

15 essential elements of the Uber clone app

You (the administrator), the drivers, and the riders must all be happy with the on-demand service. All of these options are crucial to the smooth operation of your organization.

Characteristics of the Rider:

1. Fare estimation:

A rough estimate of the ride’s total cost will be provided after the rider specifies their origin and destination.

This gives riders the flexibility to select the most cost-effective choice. In addition, the final bill will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the menu.

2. Wallet option:

Riders can now make payments within the app using the wallet feature. They can use the Wallet payment option to complete the ride payment. If their wallet runs low, riders can replenish their funds through a debit or credit card. Electronic payment is strongly preferred.

3. In-app chatting:

The app includes a built-in chat feature for riders to converse with their drivers. Following the completion of the reservation, the riders will be provided with the driver’s details, including the driver’s name, vehicle number, and a chatbox symbol. The chatbox symbol allows riders to talk to their driver.

4. Ride scheduling:

Riders may now plan and schedule rides for whenever they need them. The rider need only “Schedule the ride” by specifying the date and time that work best for them.

5. SOS assistance:

In an emergency, riders can add an SOS contact to their Ride sharin https://www.f22labs.com/ g app. Both emergency services (911) and the riders themselves are listed. If an emergency occurs, the SOS contact will receive a text message with the vehicle’s identification number and precise location.

6. Stripe 3D secure:

Including more secure payment gateways helps win over app users’ trust and promotes digital payments.

Our Uber clone software now supports one of the most secure payment methods available, thanks to the addition of Stripe 3D secure.

Driver features:

1. Dynamic routing:

First, the Uber clone app’s dynamic routing feature shortens the driver’s time to get to the designated drop-off point. It will plot the quickest paths possible for them to take.

2. Payout account:

A payout account is where drivers can get their money after working for an organization. They should be able to enter information for more than one account.

3. Earnings report:

The earnings report dashboard lets drivers monitor their weekly and cumulative profits. Details such as the total and weekly ride count could be included in this report.

4. RTL support:

Drivers can use the app in their preferred language thanks to right-to-left (RTL) support. Support for right-to-left (RTL) languages, such as Arabic, could also be added.

5. Driver’s status:

Drivers can change their online/offline state with a simple toggle. That information is useful for the app’s algorithm to determine if the driver is free to take a ride.

Admin panel features:

1. Geofencing:

Using geofencing, managers, and owners of on-demand taxi services can control their operations inside a defined area. The platform’s availability can be limited geographically by the administrator. The administrator also has the option of basing ride prices on these areas.

2. Sub-admins management:

To facilitate the admin’s workload, sub-admins can be managed and their responsibilities delegated. Using this function, administrators can delegate authority to sub-administrators.

3. Automatic payout:

Visualize having to manually tally up fees and divide earnings among thousands of drivers. I know it’s not easy.

The automatic payout function is really helpful in this situation.

The auto payout function of the Uber clone app has simplified the management of the company’s finances.

The auto-payout function ensures that your earnings are promptly distributed to you.

4. Users and booking management:

The administrator controls all of the app’s users (passengers and drivers alike) and all of the passengers’ bookings. This method assures that only genuine users join the site and contribute meaningfully.

The admin can keep track of all rides, users, and earnings with the aid of the booking and user management functions.


It is essential to fulfill certain requirements to be the finest in the industry when running a business efficiently employing cutting-edge technologies.

Including an app in corporate operations is a breeze. The success of the app hinges on how well it serves its users.

Learn about Wooberly, a private on-demand marketplace that can be adjusted to fit your needs.Uber’s business strategy is groundbreaking in the on-demand service industry. Thus, would-be on-demand business owners desire this type of enterprise structure.

That’s why there’s an alternative app that acts like Uber. Businesses may tailor an Uber clone to their specific requirements and brand it as their own with this turnkey solution.

You will be responsible for maintaining the on-demand marketplace that brings together those in need and those willing to give a service through an Uber clone app.

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Dhiren is Digital Marketing Manager and also Magento Support and Solutions Provider at Rock Technolabs. He is passionate about anything related to Digital Marketing. He is passionate about using the power of search to help local businesses succeed.

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